insert dynamic field

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il y a 2 semaines 2 jours #55 par morgantini
insert dynamic field a été créé par morgantini
I would like to know if with the free version I can insert some fields taken from a table and how to do it, that is, where exactly can I find the documentation on how to insert the [surname] field taken from the "anagrafica_soci" table and how to call the PDF by passing the "socio" parameter
Thanks in advance

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il y a 2 semaines 2 jours - il y a 2 semaines 2 jours #56 par shane
Réponse de shane sur le sujet insert dynamic field
Hi Luigi,

Custom fields are only available in the pro version of the PDFGenerator. They are not taken into account in the free version. You only get some basic fields like title, text, etc...
Also make sure to have defined a data and content type on your template before using fields.

You can check the documentation here:

Shortcodes are written like this:


Dernière édition: il y a 2 semaines 2 jours par shane.

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