Add to Calendar for Flexicontent
The 'Add to Calendar' button is a Flexicontent field plugin, enabling your visitors to add events directly to their calendars, such as Google Calendar, Yahoo Calendar, Outlook, iCal format for Apple, and more.
Main features
Flexicontent integration
'Link' other Flexicontent fields to this field, sparing authors/editors from entering the same data twice.
Recurring and multi-date mode
Create recurring and multi-date events with a single field
Choose your design
Effortlessly select and personalize your design using a range of available display settings. No coding skills required
Multi-date system
We've added a multi-date system to allow users to create events occurring on multiple dates.
Recurrent dates system
Create powerful recurring events.
No coding required
You don’t need to write a single line of code or have any technical expertise
All our plugins are available in French and in English
Our support will assist you in both French and English
Version 1.0.3 :
- Fixed update server.
- IMPORTANT : If you have installed a prior version of this extension, please install the v1.0.3 manually. Then rebuild the update sites on your Joomla website in order to get automatic updates in the future.
Version 1.0.2 :
- Fixes for JED compatibility.
Version 1.0.1:
- Joomla! 5 compatibility without the need for the Backward Compatibility plugin.
- Auto-enable plugins on package install.
Version 1.0.0:
- First public release