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Com3elles Extensions Documentation

Welcome to our official documentation site, find out how to use our extensions for Joomla! & FLEXIcontent


PDF Generator

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Discover our flagship extension: the PDF Generator. Designed to be compatible with Joomla! and FLEXIcontent (with even more compatibilities to come), this tool goes beyond mere page rendering. It offers a complete layout system, enabling the creation of specific presentations for printed PDFs. Utilize our user-friendly page builder with drag-and-drop functionality to effortlessly craft personalized displays using Joomla!, custom fields, and FLEXIcontent fields.


3D Viewer

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The '3D Viewer' is a Field plugin for Joomla! or FLEXIcontent that enables visitors to interactively view 3D models directly within a web page. From the back-end, you have the capability to manage the displayed model, adjusting lighting, selecting your desired environment, creating hotspots, and more.


Add to Calendar

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The 'Add to Calendar' button is a FLEXIcontent field plugin, enabling your visitors to add events directly to their calendars, such as Google Calendar, Yahoo Calendar, Outlook, iCal format for Apple, and more.