Support for Joomla Fabrik

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il y a 2 jours 16 heures #57 par mpsadmin
Support for Joomla Fabrik a été créé par mpsadmin
Good Day,

I came across your PDF Generator Product.
Would be great to have support for other extension such as Joomla Fabrik here and Joomla Component Builder here
I can see how your PDF Generator can be quickly adopted when it comes to output from these custom webapplication development tools as I would be able to do custom design of PDF files to export and print for official use.
We can capture signature online would be great which fabrik supports.

Thank you.

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il y a 2 jours 16 heures #58 par mpsadmin
Réponse de mpsadmin sur le sujet Support for Joomla Fabrik
Would be great to support creating PDFs from custom dabatase sql procedures or sql custom views

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il y a 2 jours 16 heures #59 par mpsadmin
Réponse de mpsadmin sur le sujet Support for Joomla Fabrik
I use Flexicontent so I will give is a try to see how it works.

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il y a 2 jours 1 heure #60 par yberges
Réponse de yberges sur le sujet Support for Joomla Fabrik
hello actualy we can't works on fabrik compatibility is too specific (or we can do a specific dev for you). But your idea about SQL compatibility can be cool
for now we planned :
- add joomla medimanager compatibility (done)
- add watermark
- and study how to add pdf protection (very complexe at first step)
And after we want to add :
- dashboard for stats
- hikashop compatibility
but i didn't have any date for each release sorry

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il y a 1 jour 14 heures #61 par mpsadmin
Réponse de mpsadmin sur le sujet Support for Joomla Fabrik
Hello yberges,

You are totally right, that it cannot belimited to an extension. However being able to use your PDF generator can be used to connect directly to the tables created through these developer extension, not necessary needs to be integrated with the fabrik or JCB but where I see great value is being able to use your tool to connect to tables or view and layout the fields and data on the PDF templates like producing a one to many (Main form/table with subform/table layout) type of layout of these data.
Would be cool to have.

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