Pre-Sales Question - USER custom fields

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il y a 2 mois 1 semaine #41 par AdinaG
Does the PDF generator allow you to use USER custom fields? I downloaded the free version and see there is the dynamic field you can add, but I need to know if USER Custom Fields are included in that before purchasing.


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il y a 2 mois 1 semaine #42 par yberges
at first pdf is generate on save item, you can get autor information only.
for user custom field actualy its not possible but i can be added in road map in pro version

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il y a 2 mois 1 semaine #43 par AdinaG
That would be awesome!

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il y a 2 mois 4 jours #45 par shane
Hi, I'm the developer of the PDFGenerator extension. Could you please provide an example use case for how you’d like to use custom user fields when generating PDFs? This will help us design the best solution for your needs.

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